Wednesday, September 5, 2012



From February 2010 to the present, one of the very first and most important changes that I made in my life was holding myself accountable for the way my life was.  Believe me when I tell you that it was not an easy thing to do when I truly had to face myself in the mirror and reflect on my past choices and behaviors. Now yes, I did have many limiting beliefs based on what I grew up “thinking” was correct, but I was a grown adult in my late 20’s with a perfectly functioning brain! I know the difference between right and wrong.  Nobody MADE me think the thoughts I had. Nobody MADE me act the way that I did. Nobody MADE me choose the choices I made. I did everything on my own. Everything from the way that I spoke, how I chose to listen, my internal/external behaviors, who/what I surrounded myself with, the clothes I wore,  how I allowed people to treat me, and how I treated myself, to the food I put in my body, the external influences that I allowed to enter into my mind, and how I chose to spend my time.  The more I reflected, the more I saw the correlation with the law of attraction.  What I was putting out into the world I was receiving right back.  The uglier my internal world was, the uglier my external world got.  I had to make a change.  

What steps did I take? 

  1. I accepted the past. There was nothing that could have been done to change it. The past is the past. It no longer exists. It is over and done with. There is no need to look back and dwell because it cannot be changed. IT IS WHAT IT IS. Once I realized that, I truly and whole heartedly forgave myself and others for mistakes made.  I vowed to chalk up my past as a learning experience, and get on with life (this step alone took a HUGE weight off of my shoulders).
  2. I came to the realization that the life I was living was based on my past choices and HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT MY FUTURE LOOKED LIKE.
  3. I completely took responsibility for my present choices.  I held a picture in my mind of how I wanted my life to be and I began to ACT in the way I saw myself in my mind.
  4. I made the commitment to surround myself with positive people, situations, and circumstances. I very rapidly began to cut out all negativity from my life (television shows, music, books, people, places, habits, clothes, internet sites).  Anything that caused me to think in a negative way, I cut out.  
  5. I truly focused on and appreciated how amazing my life really was. I began a list for everything that I was grateful for. 

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